[Armed Forces Day: 76th Anniversary of Foundation] (hereinafter, the visitor's center”) is committed to protect the rights and interests of users by establishing this Privacy Policy pursuant to any relevant laws, regarding personal information processing, and by complying with any applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, ‘Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection,’ the ‘Protection of Communications Secrets Act,’ the ‘Telecommunications Business Act,’ and ‘the Personal Information Protection Act’ that information and communications services providers shall strictly abide by This Privacy Policy applies to those who use the services (hereinafter, the “Services”) provided through the website [] (hereinafter, the “Platform”) managed and operated by the visitor's center and contains the following.
Article 1 (Personal Information to be Collected and Methods of Collection)
- • The visitor's center collects the following personal information from users in the purpose of managing registered user information, facilitating grievance procedures, and providing various Services.
Classification Collected items (Required)
Registration procedure Required Nationality, name, ID number (e.g., passport number for visitors from other country), sex, mobile phone number, belonged company or organization and rank therein, attendee type, participating program, mode of transportation, and disability.
- The users/attendees may deny providing such personal information, which may prevent them from using the Services to the full extent.
- In addition to the personal information items set forth in paragraph 1, IP address, cookies, date and time of visit, record of past usage including malicious usage patterns, and device information may be collected from users during their course of using the Services or the Platform. E-mail address or phone number may be collected while the visitor's center receives and processes customer inquiries.
- In the process of using the Services provided by the visitor's center, if it is deemed to be necessary, information including but not limited to name, date of birth, sex, domestic foreigner information, mobile phone number or I-PIN Number, encrypted identification connection information (CI), and duplicate membership verification information (DI) may be collected. For minors, legal representative information may be automatically generated and added, and collected thereby.
- The visitor's center collects no sensitive personal information that may infringe on the fundamental human rights of users (e.g., race, ideas, beliefs, political tendency, criminal records, medical information, etc.).
- The visitor's center shall use the personal information collected only for the purpose of collection, and if the purposes of collection and use are to be changed, it shall obtain a separate consent from the users prior to such modification.
- The visitor's center may collect the personal information of the users through the following methods: Homepage, mobile device, written form, fax, telephone, consultation board, email, events application, and delivery request, or collection through generating information collection tools.
Article 2 (Use of Collected Information)
The visitor's center will use information collected from the users for the following purposes.
- Personal information is used for attendee registration, provision of the services promised to users, identity verification required for the services, the usage logs that the visitor's center generates, etc.
- Personal information is used to ensure safety measures which are necessary to maintain the order inside the event venue, entrance control and other actions to prevent accidents.
- Personal information is used to ensure user protection and maintain a stable service environment. This includes imposing sanctions on users who violate laws, regulations, and visitor's center policies (including the terms and conditions of the Services); preventing unauthorized acts and conduct that interfere with the smooth operation of the Services, such as fraudulent use; preventing account theft and fraudulent transactions; delivering notices; and preserving records for future dispute resolution.
- Personal information is used for the purposes of newsletter, including information of event and/or promotion (only when the users agree to providing marketing and advertising information).
Article 3 (Period of Retention and Use)
The visitor's center shall, in principle, retain the personal information of a user until the end of the ceremony. However, for the purpose of preventing disputes related to transactions, etc., the visitor's center shall retain such information for the specified period even after the end of the event.
1. Grounds for the retention of personal information under internal policies of the Visitor’s center
1. Records of fraudulent use (which refers to (1) transactions or contents that violates policies (including terms and conditions, etc.) set by the Visitor’s center, (2) methods or transactions which infringe upon the rights or interests of the Visitor’s center, members or third parties, or (3) transactions that amount to (1) or (2))
2. Reason for retention: to manage improper use cases, and countermeasures
3. Retention period: 6 months
2. If an investigation or inspection, etc. of a user is in progress due to violation of relevant laws and regulations, such information shall be retained until the relevant investigation and inspection are completed
3. If a bond or debt relationship remains between the Visitor’s center and a user, until settlement of the relevant bond/debt relationship is completed
Article 4 (Rights and Obligations of the User)
(1) Users may exercise their rights as follows.
1. Users may exercise their rights to require access, correction, deletion, or suspension of processing personal information, etc. at any time to the Visitor’s center. They may also withdraw their consent to the use of personal information by terminating their membership. At this time, the Visitor’s center shall verify whether the requester is the individual themselves or a legitimate representative.
2. The exercise of rights under the Provision. 1 above may be done to the Visitor’s center in writing, by e-mail or facsimile (FAX), etc., and the Visitor’s center shall take measures with regard thereto without delay. However, the name, resident registration number, and foreigner registration number shall not be corrected. Nevertheless, the change of the name due to the change in the name and the change of resident (business) registration number due to administrative issues may be exceptionally permitted.
3. The Visitor’s center may refuse the user’s request to suspend the processing of personal information in any of the following cases.
• When it is specifically stipulated by law or unavoidable in order to fulfill an obligation under law
• Where there is a risk of harming the life/body of another person, or unjustly infringing upon the assets or other interests of another person
• Where the execution of the contract is impracticable, such as the failure to provide a service agreed with the data subject, etc. without processing the personal information, and, if so, where the data subject failed to clearly express the intent to terminate the contract in question
4. A user may exercise such rights specified in the Paragraph 1 through a legal representative or a designee of the user. In such cases, a power of attorney must be submitted in accordance with Schedule 11 Form of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.
5. The request for access to personal information and suspension of handling of personal information may restrict the rights of users by relevant laws (see Articles 35(4) and 37(2)).
6. With regard to the request for correction or deletion of personal information, deletion of personal information shall be denied if the personal information is specified as the subject of collection under other laws. In addition, if a request for correction of an error in personal information is made, the relevant personal information shall not be used or provided until the correction is completed, unless such personal information is requested to be provided in accordance with other laws. If erroneous personal information has already been provided, the results of correction will be notified to a third party so that corrections can be made.
(2) Users may exercise their rights to access or correct personal information, withdraw consent, exercise the right to veto, and deletion of account in accordance with the following.
Scope of access to and correction of personal information
- Personal information of users held by the Visitor’s center
- Personal information used by the Visitor’s center or provided to a third party
- Status of consent to the collection, use, provision, etc. of personal information
Method of withdrawing the consent to provision and correction of personal information and receiving promotional information.
- Users may withdraw their consent by contacting the Visitor’s center’s office (Customer Center) on the Platform.
Visitor's center
Telephone 010 5735 8541
The operation time of the Visitor’s center is 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on weekdays (lunch break is from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.). The Visitor’s center is off service on weekends/public holidays.
Withdrawal of Registration
- Users may withdraw their registration within the Platform in accordance with the procedures set by the Visitor’s center.
- As a provider of personal information, the user shall assume the obligation to protect personal information by him/herself as follows.
1. Users should always keep their personal information up to date, and users shall hold all responsibility for any problems caused by inaccurate information entered by the users.
2. The Visitor’s center shall not be held responsible for any issues that have arisen from leakage of personal information due to a user’s own negligence, such as the transfer, leasing, loss of an e-mail, password, access medium, etc. or leaving a seat while still logged in, without any cause attributable to the Visitor’s center, or the hacking incident using a method or technology that cannot be blocked while using the security measures as set forth in relevant laws and regulations, which result from the Internet issues despite the exercise of due care by the Visitor’s center.
3. The user must ensure that personal information such as email, password, access medium, etc., is not leaked, and cannot transfer or lend it to a third party. The Visitor’s center shall not be liable for any damages caused by the user’s negligence.
4. If a user registers as a member or uses the services by stealing another person’s personal information, the user may be disqualified and punished in accordance with relevant laws.
5. Users must abide by this Policy and the laws and regulations related to personal information.
Article 5 (Providing Personal Information to Third Parties)
(1) As a matter of principle, the Visitor’s center does not provide the personal information of users to a third party or disclose such information outside the scope of the purpose of collection and use. However, if it is necessary to share users’ personal information with partner companies to provide a better service, the Visitor’s center notifies and asks for consent from the users by providing such information as the recipients, purpose of providing personal information, items of personal information to be provided, period of use, and period of retention. In addition, users’ personal information may be provided in accordance with the provisions of any law or at the request of an investigative authority pursuant to its procedures and methods prescribed by law for the purpose of investigation.
(2) The Visitor’s center does not use the personal information of users for purposes other than the services provided by the Visitor’s center, nor does it provide such information to a third party without the consent of users. If it is to be provided to a third party as necessary, users shall be informed, and a separate consent shall be obtained from them. However, exceptions are made in each of the following cases:
1. If it is deemed to be appropriate for the Visitor’s center to disclose personal information in order to take legal measures, when a user violates the terms and conditions of use of the Visitor’s center, commits an illegal act that harms others, or damages public morals;
2. In accordance with the provisions of any applicable law or upon request of an investigative authority pursuant to its procedures and methods prescribed by law for the purpose thereof; and
3. For statistics compilations, scientific research, market research, provision of information, and sending e-mails for public notices in a form that does not identify a specific individual.
4. When the user has given prior consent.
Recipient Purpose of providing personal information Categories of personal information to be provided Period of retention and use of personal information
ENPINC Co., Ltd. to ensure and facilitate orderly operation of the event and ceremony
Period of Retention and Use
- Purposes: Event data and other relevant statistics | nationality, name, resident registration number (passport number for visitors from other country), sex, mobile phone number, the organization you belong to and the rank therein, type of visit, activities to be visited, mode of transportation, disability, IP Address, cookies, device information, access history, until End of Event | | | - Safety activities to prevent harm within the venue| Resident registration number (or alien registration number), until End of Event |.
Article 6 (Entrustment of Handling of Personal Information)
(1) In order to facilitate the provision of services to users and improve the quality of services, the Visitor’s center may entrust part of the work related thereto to outside companies. The Visitor’s center shall, in cases where it entrusts an external company with the task of handling personal information, implement measures for protection of personal information of users by means of a contract, etc., stipulating compliance with personal information protection-related laws and regulations, compliance with privacy-related confidentiality, prohibition of providing personal information to third parties, burden of liability at the time of an accident, period of entrustment, obligation to destroy personal information after the processing is completed, and implement measures to protect users’ personal information by managing and supervising such compliance.
- For the improvement of services and effective handling of tasks, the Visitor’s center has entrusted handling of personal information as follows.
Entrustee Details of the entrusted business activities Period of retention and use of personal information
MEETINGFAN Co., Ltd. Website system maintenance, server management Until membership is withdrawn or
(3) The Visitor’s center shall, if there is any change in the details of the entrusted business activities to process personal information or the entrusted, disclose it through this Privacy Policy without delay, and this shall substitute the consent to entrustment.
Article 7 (Procedures and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information)
(1) In principle, the Visitor’s center destroys the personal information of users without delay once the purpose of collection and use has been achieved. However, the Visitor’s center destroys, or separately stores and manages the personal information of users who have not used the Services for 1 year or longer in accordance with the “Personal Information Valid Period” policy.
(2) The procedures and methods for the destruction of personal information by the Visitor’s center are as follows:
1. Destruction procedures: Information entered in by users for membership registration, etc., shall be moved to a separate DB (in case of written paper, a separate document cabinet) after the purpose has been achieved and stored for a set period in accordance with internal policy and grounds for information protection under other relevant laws (refer to period of retention and use) and then destroyed. Such personal information is not used for any purpose other than being held and preserved except specified otherwise in any applicable law.
2. Method of destruction: Personal information recorded and stored in written paper will be destroyed with a shredder or incineration, and personal information stored in electronic files will be deleted using technical methods which permanently prevent recovery.
Article 8 (Matters Concerning the Installation, Operation and Denial of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices)
- The Visitor’s center operates and utilizes ‘cookies,’ etc., that store information of users and retrieve and find information from time to time to smoothly provide services. A cookie is a very small text file that the server, used to operate the website, sends to the user’s browser and is also stored in the user's computer hard drive (definition of cookies).
- The Visitor’s center uses cookies for purposes of targeted marketing and to provide personalized services by analyzing users’ frequency of access or duration of visits, ascertaining users’ taste and areas of interest and tracing their traces, determining the extent of participation in various events and number of visits (purpose of cookies).
- Users have a choice regarding the installation of cookies. Therefore, users may allow all cookies by setting options on their web browser, go through verification whenever cookies are stored, or refuse to store all cookies (installing, operating and refusing cookies). However, if users refuse to install cookies, there may be inconveniences in using some services that require login.
- As a way of refusing to set cookies in accordance with paragraph 3, users may allow all cookies, obtain confirmation whenever cookies are stored, or refuse to store all cookies by choosing the option on the web browser users use.
- The Visitor’s center may use ‘cookies’ on mobile devices (e.g., smart phones, tablet PCs) in order to provide the same/similar user experiences as the PC environment in mobile services. The Visitor’s center shall collect cookies in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and regulatory guidelines; provided, however, that cookies that may identify individuals on their own, including personal information of users, shall not be randomly collected without the prior consent of users.
- In mobile devices, users can also choose whether to allow cookies from web browser settings. While the operating system of mobile devices and the types of web browsers may offer different ways of setting, in most cases, it is possible to determine whether to allow cookies or delete all existing cookies through the setting of a mobile web browser. However, if users refuse to store cookies, there may be inconveniences in using some services that require login.
Article 9 (Efforts of Visitor’s center to Protect Personal Information)
(1) The Visitor’s center is taking the following technical/administrative measures in order to ensure safety in the processing of personal information of users so that personal information may not be lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.
1. Encryption of personal information: The Visitor’s center encrypts personal information of users, such as passwords, payment methods, etc., in accordance with the standards required by applicable laws, and is currently preventing attacks and hacking from the outside, utilizing devices that block intrusion from the outside. In particular, servers storing user personal information maintain the highest level of security by managing such information separately without direct connection to external Internet lines.
2. Countermeasures against hacking, etc.: The Visitor’s center is making its best efforts to prevent the leakage or damage of members’ personal information through hacking or computer viruses, etc. The latest vaccine program is utilized to prevent users’ personal information and materials from being leaked or impaired, and encrypted communications and any similar technologies allow users to safely transmit personal information on the network. The Visitor’s center is committed to having all possible technological devices to secure other systemic security.
3. Minimizing the number of and training of people in charge: Personal information processing personnel of the Visitor’s center are limited to the small number of persons in charge, and they are given a separate password for this purpose which is regularly renewed. The Visitor’s center continues to make efforts so that personal information protection can be achieved in substance by always emphasizing compliance with the Visitor’s center’s Privacy Policy through frequent training of persons in charge.
(2) Notwithstanding Paragraph 1, the Visitor’s center shall not be responsible for any problems arising from the leakage/exposure of personal information such as email, password, etc., due to the user’s willful misconduct or recklessness or Internet related issues.
Article 10 (Personal Information Protection Officer and Contact Information)
The Visitor’s center has designated a personal information protection officer in charge of collecting opinions and handling complaints regarding personal information as below. Users may report any complaints related to the protection of personal information, such as inquiries, handling of complaints, damage relief, etc., that may occur while using the services of the Visitor’s center to the person in charge of privacy protection or the department in charge. The Visitor’s center will respond and process users’ inquiries and reports as promptly as practicable.
Personal Information Protection Officer
Employee Name and Title: Jung Yong Hyun / major in the army
Telephone Number / Email: 010 2830 1069/
If you need to report cases or counsel on infringement on your personal information, please contact the following organizations.
-Personal Information Infringement Report Center ( / 118 without area code)
-Information Protection Mark Certification Committee ( / 02-580-0533~4)
-Cybercrime Investigation Center, Supreme Prosecutor’s Office ( / 1301 without area code)
-National Police Agency Cyber Counterterrorism Center ( / 02-392-0330)
Article 11 (Duty to Notify)
- The Visitor’s center will inform users through the Platform at least 7 days before making any additions, deletions or modifications to the current Privacy Policy. However, in cases where there are significant/material changes to the rights of members such as the collection and use of personal information, provision to third parties, etc., notice shall be given at least 30 days in advance.
Article 12 (Miscellaneous)
- Collection of personal information by webpages linked to the Services provided by the Visitor’s center is not subject to this Privacy Policy
- Any information not specified in this Privacy Policy shall be in accordance with policies such as the terms and conditions of the Visitor’s center’s Services.
<Supplementary Provisions>
This Privacy Policy shall come into effect and be applied from Aug 13 , 2024.