K-Military Festival
K-Military Festival
K-Military Festival
K-Military Festival is a national security festival where people can participate firsthand, thereby experiencing the concept, ‘Peace through Strength’
  • During

    2024. 9. 3.(Tue) ~ 10. 11.(Fri) 1Month

  • Invincible Military(3)
  • Unwavering Security(5)
  • National Defense with the People(15)
  • Armed Forces Day Ceremony
    Ground Forces Festival
    Korea Army International Defense Industry Exhibition
  • ROK-UNCMS Defense Ministerial Meeting
    Seoul Defense Dialogue(SDD)
    International Conference on Security
    A tour of Korea's security, history, and culture
    South Korea-U.S. Alliance Concert
  • Incheon Landing Operation Victory Ceremony
    Air Force Operation Victory Ceremony
    Seoul Restoration Ceremony
    Commemoration Ceremony for Breaking Through the 38th Parallel
    Victory Ceremony of Nakdong River Battle
    A Military Choral Contest
    A Survival Contest for Civilian Military
    Space Challenge 2024
    Taekwondo Competition Under the Minister of National Defense
    Defense Minister's Ship Drone-bot Challenge
    National Patriotic Art Exhibition
    A Comrade Marathon Race
    A Military Family Day Celebration
    K-Military Festival
    A Concert to Celebrate Armed Forces Day
  • 국군의 날 기념행사
    Armed Forces Day Ceremony
    국군의 날 기념행사 qrcode
  • 지상군 페스티벌
    Ground Forces Festival
    지상군 페스티벌 qrcode
  • 지상군 방산전시회
    Korea Army International Defense Industry Exhibition
    지상군 방산전시회 qrcode
  • 한-유엔사회원국 국방장관회의
    ROK-UNCMS Defense Ministerial Meeting
    한-유엔사회원국 국방장관회의 qrcode
  • 서울 안보대화(SDD)
    Seoul Defense Dialogue(SDD)
    서울 안보대화(SDD) qrcode
  • 제안보 학술회의
    International Conference on Security
  • 한국 안보·역사·문화탐방
    A tour of Korea's security, history, and culture
  • 한·미동맹 콘서트
    South Korea-U.S. Alliance Concert
  • 인천상륙작전 전승행사
    Incheon Landing Operation Victory Ceremony
  • 공군작전 전승기념 행사
    Air Force Operation Victory Ceremony
  • 서울수복 기념행사
    Seoul Restoration Ceremony
  • 39선 돌파 기념행사
    Commemoration Ceremony for Breaking Through the 38th Parallel
  • 낙동강 전투 전승행사
    Victory Ceremony of Nakdong River Battle
    낙동강 전투 전승행사 qrcode
  • 군가 합창대회
    A Military Choral Contest
    군가 합창대회 qrcode
  • 민·군화합 서바이벌 경연
    A Survival Contest for Civilian Military
  • 스페이스 챌린지 2024
    Space Challenge 2024
    스페이스 챌린지 2024 qrcode
  • 국방부장관기 태권도 대회
    Taekwondo Competition Under the Minister of National Defense
  • 국방부장관배 드론봇 챌린지
    Defense Minister's Ship Drone-bot Challenge
    국방부장관배 드론봇 챌린지 qrcode
  • 대한민국 호국미술대전
    National Patriotic Art Exhibition
    대한민국 호국미술대전 qrcode
  • 전우 마라톤대회
    A Comrade Marathon Race
    전우 마라톤대회 qrcode
  • 군인가족의 날 기념행사
    A Military Family Day Celebration
  • 용산 軍문화 페스타
    K-Military Festival
    용산 軍문화 페스타 qrcode
  • 국군의 날 기념음악회
    A Concert to Celebrate Armed Forces Day
팝업 제목